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Our desire is that each of us serve with excellence whenever we approach the Sandton Church’s pulpit on behalf of Yahweh our God.”
We will here firstly share proper ecclesiastical language usage to be implemented with immediate effect.

1. Within Christianity the church or place of worship is known as the SANCTUARY and NOT an auditorium.

2. The individuals who gather for the purpose of worship in a collective sense are known as the CONGREGATION.

3. The Religious Songs used in the Christian worship setting are HYMNS. Whenever we approach the PODIUM to announce the HYMNS, the proper and preferred way is to say, “We shall now sing or select e.g. “HYMN Number so and so in the Christ In Song and Hymn (Number xyz) in the Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal.”

4. For The Scripture Reading: “The Setting for our Scripture or Bible Reading is taken from the Book of James, Chapter 10, verses 1 to 5.”


6. And the Prayer that follows immediately after is The INVOCATION, (Invoking God’s Blessings and Inviting His Holy Presence) and to properly commence the Divine Worship Service.

7. The Main Prayer is known as The INTERCESSORY PRAYER or Conversely THE PRAYER OF INTERCESSION.

8. The Invitation for the CONGREGANTS, SAINTS or WORSHIPERS to the ALTAR and NOT THE FRONT!!! In order that the individual who is designated to prayerfully intercede on behalf of those who respond to call for prayer and equally for the waiting CONGREGATION.

9. The HYMN immediately following the Sermon is known as the HYMN Of CONSECRATION or the HYMN Of COMMITMENT.

10. The Final Hymn Is Known as the RECESSIONAL.

11. The designated Elder for the specific Sabbath is known as THE PRESIDING ELDER.

12. The designated Elder for the specific Sabbath is known as THE PRESIDING ELDER.

A Few Do’s and Don’t’s

1. It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that ALL Pulpit Participants (Especially Ladies) Should NEVER CROSS THEIR LEGS AT THE THIGH OR KNEE. (And Gentlemen shouldn’t sit with thighs wide open).  Rather, the preferred posture is thighs closed and legs crossed at the ankles.

2. Courtesy and Male Chivalry requires that ladies be assisted (especially those with high heels) with an outstretched and helping hand when climbing the stairs to the Pulpit.